Saturday, March 17, 2007

Day 1 - 11/03/07: Melbourne - San Francisco

Lucas our cousin arrived just before 10am & ushered us off to the airport for the domestic flight to Sydney & then the long hop across the Pacific to San Francisco - A mechancical problem delayed the flight by a couple of hours, but eventually we took off & 13 hrs later landed on US soil, San Francisco (S.F) to be precise.

S.F started life in 1848 when Mexico ceded California to the USA & gold was discovered in the Sierra Nevada foothills, and quickly developed into one of America's most important outposts - not even the 1906 earthquake & fire could stop the explosion of this exciting city.

Our journey began with lunch @ "Lori's Cafe", a landmark in the Union Square district, where our hotel the Crown Plaza was situated - They are famous for their burgers, which we partook of.

From there it was onto "Ünion Square" - so named for the meetings held there during the civil war for the Union movement, for a wonder through the Sunday afternoon art exhibition - some great photo opportunities were presented and taken.

A cabl-car ride followed taking us from the Powell St turntable all the way up the very hilly Powell St to "Fisherman's Wharf" known for its historic waterfront, delicious seafood & great bay views.

Once there we headed to Pier 39 - home to a vast selection of restaurants & bars - One of which provided a late lunch & super views over to Alcatraz - The infamous prison to people like Al Capone & "Machine Gun Kelly". As the day drew to an end, we made our way to "las margaritas" for a dinner & as there name says, a margarita or 2. Back to our hotel & crashed for the night.

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